Our Lady of the Southern Cross

Brisbane, Australia
Artist: p. Marko Ivan Rupnik i Centro Aletti, arch. Paolo Marciani, p. Mauro Conte
Production: Bokart, 2016.

A completely new church for the community of Springfield Lakes was built in record time and fully decorated in 2016, with more than 300 m2 of mosaics and over 150 m2 of glass and glass lamps. Under the supervision of the architect P. Marciani and guidance of p. Rupnik working alongside the local-based p. Conte, this church has been given a new life in order to welcome more than 500 people during celebrations.

The unique style of glass painting was realized by formatting the paintings for placement on 3 layers of glass, using the airbrush technique; the glass was hand-painted, partially sandblasted and painted on lamination foil. This complex style of painting has given depth, volume and a slightly antique reflection to the glass. The lower side of the façade was made in a somewhat Romanesque fashion so as to appear closer to the visitor, as the upper part plays with light and shadows in order to produce a more intuitive and intimate ambiance.